Sunday, December 13, 2015

【Therapeutic mattress-setting up, how to use and points to note】

【Therapeutic mattress-setting up, how to use and points to note】

Therapeutic mattress is a combined of electric therapy apparatus for home use, 4-in-1, you cannot find similar ones in the market! (It comes with a warming press probe, probe cover, bedsheet, sensor and battery for the sensor)

You may need an extension wire :

Lay the mattress on top of your bed, cover with the bedsheet.  (It's 4 inches longer than the usual single/double bed, but it is fine). Look for the plug at the top portion of the mattress and insert it into the electrical outlet, and switch on the power.  (After you have pulled the plug out to about 150cm long, you will see a yellow marking, then a red marking, indicating end of the cable)

Then open up the Control Panel cover.

As a guideline, if you are active and young, you can start using  COMBINATION MODE on 2 hours, Negative ion - LOW, FIR - either 2 to 3 bars for 1st 3 nights**.  For weak and inactive user, follow the operation manual - 1st 10 days use negative ion's (LOW), then next 10 days use combination (2 hrs) and so on]
If you are comfortable and feeling fine, every 3 nights, increase 2 hours, ie from 2 to 4 hours, 6 hours and 8 hours.

[For more details, refer to the operation manual]

Hence, you can assess for yourself day to day as each person's response is different, how well your body adjusts to the setting.
If your body is feeling cold, Far Infrared (FIR) is excellent for blood circulation
To recharge your energy, negative ions is good for fatigue!
Using combination setting, you have synergistic benefits promotes good recovery while you sleep every night.

In between you can have 2 hours sitting on Far Infrared thermal zone, for therapeutic relief of your symptoms and discomfort at the problematic areas!

Not only FIR activates our own body's FIR our blood circulation, it will absolutely improve metabolism, immune system, detoxification and autonomic nervous system as per Dr. David Jernigan's article. []

To reset functions,  use yellow button key in Function mode and number of hours.
It does not need washing, it is anti-bacteria and even purifies the air!
## You build the tolerance starting FIR two bars, avoid 4-5 bars at this stage, it may cause skin itchiness due to 'exercise' too hard, similar to those who experience itchiness at the thigh area after running too hard.
## You may wake up 3am in the morning, feeling alert, but that is normal, you will be back to your normal sleeping length.
## You may feel warm and sweat but it is also temporary, the sweat from FIR comes from deep cleansing /detoxification of the body and when compared with the sweat from normal exercise, it contains substances such as carcinogenic heavy metals!

## FIR may cause eczema to flare up, but it will finally clear the problem, if you are uncomfortable, focus on using negative ion is fine.
## If you are feeling too warm, you can start on all night negative ions only 4hours, skip FIR, after one week you can go 6 hours, after that full 8 hours within 2weeks.

##Remember, do not be alarmed, sometimes it gets worse before it gets better (healing crisis).
For the hand-held warming press probe, you can set FIR therapy 55 degrees (max is 65 degrees).

Use the probe to lightly press on the problematic/painful area, count 5 seconds, and move to other part, otherwise it is too hot if you stay on the same spot.
It is set for 15 min-cycle,  the probe must be covered with a press probe cover or a baby mitten or use it over your clothing,  around lower abdomen for relief of constipation and prevent further recurrence, and areas of ergonomic injury, knees suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

Depends on your current need and to expedite recovery, you may use upto 2 cycles, ie 15 minutes x 2, half an hour every night before you sleep.


Electron Sensor

Ionised Water
Place a glass bottle of drinking water on the Electric Potential Zone for 10 minutes, to get ionised water.

Air Purifier
The mattress acts like an air purifier too!


For the benefits of FIR, please read:

For the benefits of negative ion, please read :

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